Sunday 11 January 2015


So... this is my new post for 2015.

Hope that everyone is doing well with their studies and work.

As for me, Alhmdulillah... I am doing quite well. I enjoyed my new job as a Mudarrisah (read: TEACHER in Arabic). Previously and since I started my career in Early Childhood, I am known as Cikgu, as I have been teaching the Malay Language.

Tomorrow is another Monday, which will be a normal working day and my night class. This year night class is a little bit relaxing because of the three nights per week, compared to last year, which was four nights per week.

Last week was a bit hectic as there are new children who enrolled into the school. Crying, shouting, vomitting is a part of new week agenda. Hahahaha. Hope that the second week will be a little easier and calm.

Oh, and I did enjoyed this past weekend. On Saturday, I went to my best friend's wedding. He got married last year, but did the reception this year. It is a good thing when you take your time and did not really follow the usual flow. I like! I went there alone, but ended up meeting H there. After that, I had a short meet up with Z, whom is also one of my fav peeps.


I have a new activity to add into my weekly routines. M came out with this brilliant plan, which to have a date jog together! It was not the usual kind of date, and we did not even called it a date! Hah!
But who cares. Hahahaha

As long as we get to spent quality time together, it is more than enough. Alhmdulillah.

Looking forward to the next JOG DATE!

P/S: I have decided to resume my writing, as it is good platform for me to brush up my english. And BTW, left THIRTY THREE more days to my Big Day. InsyaAllah. Do make dua'a for me ya :) Jazakumullah kheir..